GDPR terms and conditions

General Data Protection Regulations 1998 and 2018

I/We Agree to the following;

Exhibition Data provided to us from Colwells Enterprises Ltd (domain is for the sole and exclusive use of the company/business or individual clicking this link and will be used in accordance with the data protection acts 1998 and 2018

It is understood and agreed that data will not be passed into any external or third party organisation/s. This includes for example other wedding companies, exhibition organisers, wedding venues or indiduals. This applies to all methods of data-transfer

The company or individual clicking on this link confirms that data provided is used soley for the promotion of products and or services offered by the named company.

In the event that a request is made to remove details or to unsubscribe from for instance a newsletter such a request will be implemented forthwith and no further use of this data will be made.

Any data provided MUST be stored and disposed of in a safe way in accordance with GDPR legislation. For full guidance on GDPR please visit